Friday, May 14, 2010

Taking a closer look...

Wednesday morning found me with nothing on my schedule and three of my favorite little girls at my disposal for an hour or two. We headed down the road to inspect some things along the way and to see what we might discover.

We found flowers and bugs and old, popped balloons to look at with our magnifying glasses. We gathered small rocks that we especially liked, and furry cattails on a bush. A tiny ant even climbed right onto one glass, which elicited screams of delight from each of us!

After a good intellectually stimulating session such as that, it was good to spend some time at the park and run with wild abandon through the grass and woodchips and swing "higher and higher" with the wind blowing our hair every which way. We snacked on grapes and crackers and M&M's and headed back home to glue all our interesting findings onto paper.

We discovered that our Heavenly Father loves us and that He MADE all these beautiful things for us to enjoy together. Quite a concept at the ages of 1, 2, 3, and 57.

I love these three miniature humans. I am thankful for little girls who find joy in the simple things of life and offer their smiles and giggles as payment in kind for a lovely spring morning spent with good friends, inspecting the small things of life on our street.


Anonymous said...

What a morning for those ladies! It was SO CUTE to see them headed down the street with magnifying glasses in hand, looking at every little thing! Holland LOVED every second, I'm sure! Thank you for using your morning to give them an adventure and their mamas a break!

LBJ said...

What a lucky group of girls, the little ones and the big one. To see the world through the eyes of a child (especially one with a magnifying glass) is certainly one of life's best things. Thanks for sharing.

Lindsay said...

Those pictures are priceless. And the time they got with Gramy is even better. Thank you so much for loving them so much. You are the best Gramy ever!