Monday, July 12, 2010

Motherhood: An Eternal Partnership with God

Being a Mom of young children is a hard's to all of you out there in the trenches, having good days and not so good days. You are doing a great work. Don't get discouraged. Heavenly Father is watching over you and your little ones....


LBJ said...

I kind of miss the trenches some days, but I'm not sure how we ever did it. Now I certainly wouldn't have the energy.It sure does make you proud when you see what great Mom's your children are, doesn't it.

Sherri said...

Hi Lori,

I agree... being a mom can try your patience. I keep thinking it's going to get easier. :)

I had a passenger on the plane recently who was just coming back from a vacation with her teenage daughter and she looked wiped out. I told her I had a 2 year old and she said enjoy it cause it gets really hard. She made me nervous... I gave her a free drink. :0

Looks like you've had a fun busy summer... I need to make it to Sea World before our passes expire. And your family just keeps getting bigger... cute baby.