Wednesday, October 29, 2008

October Girl

Our granddaughter, Gracie, was #100 in her great-grandparents' posterity. That's how she got her name--Grace, for Grace, Idaho, the old homestead, and Christensen for her middle name. She is turning 2 this week. She looks like her daddy and her Grandma Connie , and is a Christensen through and through, as well as an "Earl Girl"; she has the bluest of eyes and the sweetest of smiles. She can also hold her own in her little circle of siblings and cousins. When I saw her a few weeks ago, she called me "Gwamy" and offered a yummy, solid hug. Couldn't ask for more than that from a precious girl named Grace.
Photo by Cortney Boice

1 comment:

Captain Emus said...

She's the best hugger we've had in the bunch. She puts her whole body into it.

Cali got her a little riding horse with wheels as her main present. She's crazy about it, scooting all over the wood floors in every direction.

We also found Carolina a beautiful Cabbage Patch doll on Ebay to replace Lola. This new one is "Lola's sister". CC got to name her. It came down to Kelly or Violet. She went with Violet. She is in heaven again.

Couple of sweet ones we have.